March 4, 2020

Executive Director’s Message

Hi Colleagues!

I begin to realize how quickly the school year is passing and how close we actually are to school year end.

For many of us it is truly decision time. Decisions soon have to made concerning employment plans for next year. Resignation deadline dates are fast approaching for each of our schools. Teaching positions for next school year are being posted for Nunavut and for other educational jurisdictions, as well.

Some teachers will decide to leave the teaching profession in Nunavut. For those of you that do I thank you for your commitment and work ethic demonstrated during your employment as a Nunavut teacher and as a member of NTA.

The majority of our teachers will stay within the profession and continue with their teaching careers in Nunavut. Being a teacher in Nunavut is indeed challenging and rewarding. Thank you for all that you do. Best wishes for a successful year end!

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